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testing services




Our company holds the NEHA certification as a Residential Measurement Provider and offers complete radon testing services for both air and well water. We have tested single family homes to entire schools systems. We employ two basic types of devices to measure radon in air.


Passive Devices

Non powered devices that provide an average reading for a test period. These devices include Activated Charcoal, Liquid Scintillation, and Alpha Track Detectors.


Active Devices

Continuous Radon Monitors are powered devices and typically provide hourly readings throughout the test period. We use these to help diagnois a radon issue.





It is recommended that your well water be tested at least every 12 months (particularly for bacteria). Listed below are the more common tests we offer.



Although an EPA threshold standard does not exist, the CT DPH recommends action when levels are greater than 5,000 pCi/L. The labs we utilize are all certified by the State of Connecticut to Method 7500Rn B that employs a liquid scintillation counting method.



The sample is cultured to determine the presence of Coliform bacteria and e Coli bacteria. Coliform bacteria are not disease producing organisms themselves (pathogens), but are used as an indicator for water that may have been contaminated by surface water, septic system effluent, or other sources. E Coli is an indication of fecal contamination.


Profile (most popular) In addition to Coliform bacteria and e Coli bacteria, this test is more comprehensive and quantifies basic metals (such as iron and manganese), minerals (such as hardness), nitrate and nitrites, and physical (such as pH).


Hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium (usually reported as mg/L) and classified as follows:

  • 0-17 soft

  • 17-60 slightly hard

  • 60-120 moderately hard

  • 120-180 hard

  • 180 very hard


Gross Alpha Testing

Alpha radiation is a type of energy released when certain radioactive elements decay or break down. The source may be from either Radium 226, Radium 228, or Uranium and may warrant additional testing based on initial test results.



Lead is a heavy metal that when present has typically leached out of brass fittings and solder joints. Elevated lead levels are a health concern (especially for children) that can result in lead poisoning.



Arsenic is an element that occurs both naturally (in minerals) and from man-made sources (such as pressure treated wood, herbicides, and insecticides). This substance is quite toxic and a known carcinogen.



Volatile Organic Compounds are a wide and varied class of substances and includes such items as solvents, dry cleaning fluids, fossil fuels, etc.




© 2019 HSW Radon Contractors, LLC  |  236 Bungay Road, Seymour, CT 06483 |  1-866-787-2366 |

Servicing all towns and counties in Connecticut:  Seymour, Roxbury, Woodbury, Fairfield, Danbury, New Haven, Bethel, Glastonbury, Portland, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield, Colchester, Berlin, Farmington, West Hartford, Darien, Stamford, New Fairfield, Milford, New Milford, Preston, Simsbury, Shelton, and more

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