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Testing is the only way to know what your risk levels are!  Radon is present everywhere (even the outside air is .4pCi/L), so it is impossible to eliminate your exposure to this gas. The most prudent and practical step is to reduce your exposure in places that you spend large amounts of time in... YOUR HOME which is why it's important to be at a safe level to minimize the risk to you and your family's health!


HSW Radon Contractors will design a radon mitigation system custom for your home to substantially reduce radon gas from a living space.  Check out the Zoning Map below for general radon potential by county.


Airborne and waterborne radon levels can be substantially reduced with today's technology to levels equal to or below the recommended action levels and often below the national average. Rest assured, that we can correct your radon levels as we hold both the NEHA certification as a Residential Measurement Provider and a Residential Mitigation Provider.  We offer complete radon testing services for both air and well water.  We have tested single family homes to entire schools systems. We offer two basic types of devices to measure radon in air.




How do I test for Radon? 


One of three ways:


  1. HSW Radon Contractors can come to your home for testing and site evaluation

  2. Purchase a short term kit

  3. Purchase a long term kit


Our testing kits are professional grade and offer superior quality results versus the cheaper consumer knock offs.


HSW Radon zone map for ct.jpeg

**While Hartford appears as Low Potential there are  certain areas where potential is very high.

radon canister.png

Defussion Barrier Test Kit

Charcoal Canister

up to 7 days of testing - free shipping



90 days to 1 year 

of testing - free shipping




The EPA Recommends the Following Testing Steps: The amount of radon in the air is measured in "picoCuries per liter of air," or "pCi/L."

Using a short term charcoal radon test kit, if your result is 4 pCi/L or higher take a follow-up test (See below) to be sure.

Follow-up with either a long term test or a second short term test:


  • If you need results quickly, use a second short term charcoal radon test kit
  • For a better understanding of your year-round average radon level, use a long term radon test kit


The higher the result of your initial short term radon test kit, the more certain you can be that you should take another short term test rather than a long term follow-up test. If your first short term test result is several times the action level - for example, about 10 pCi/L or higher - you should take a second short term test immediately.  If you followed up with a long term alpha track test kit: Fix your home if your long term test result is 4 pCi/L or more.  If you followed up with a second short term radon test kit: The higher your short term results, the more certain you can be that you should fix your home. Consider fixing your home if the average of your first and second test is 4 pCi/L or higher.


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