selecting a contractor

In addition to price, there are many factors to consider in the contractor selection process. Furthermore, radon reduction systems are custom designed and fabricated on site and thus the quality and reduction performance can vary greatly between contractors. In this business, there may be little difference in price between the contractor who provides a professional, effective installation vs. the contractor who sacrifices quality and system performance in order to cut costs.
Listed below are some important factors (in no particular order) that should be part of your final decision before selecting your contractor:
How many years has the contractor been installing radon systems? If the company is part of a regional chain, insist on the experience level of the operation in this state. You should have the confidence to know that the company has been around long enough to have encountered a multitude of unusual projects and the staying power to be there when service is required. Our company has been installing radon systems for 15+ years.
Did you know radon is present in both soil and well water? If your home has well water, be sure to test both the air and the water. Consider using a contractor who is qualified and experienced to mitigate both soil gas AND well water since the two could be related. In addition, well water may require conditioning before the radon can be removed. HSW Radon Contractors, LLC provides radon reduction for soil gas, well water, and water treatment services.
Is the contractor fully insured? You as the customer have the right to ask and see proof of coverage - don't assume the contractor has insurance coverage or is fully insured. In our opinion, the contractor should carry no less than a $1,000,000 policy. HSW Radon Contractors, LLC carries General Liability, Professional Liability, and Environmental Liability with certificates available for inspection on our vehicles.
Is the contractor equipped with the latest tools to perform radon mitigation? The contractor should operate from a well stocked vehicle and invest in the latest equipment to help design, install, and test systems.
For soil gas systems, we employ a proprietary method to professionally wet diamond core holes in concrete floors. This benefits you as the customer since it is virtually dust free, will not impart stress risers or cracks in the concrete, looks neater, facilitates the proper excavation, and comes at no additional cost.
How successful is the contractor at reducing radon? You should ask for data to get a sense of their success rate. The average radon levels of homes corrected by HSW Radon Contractors, LLC retest at 1.1 pCi/L for soil gas. There is a published histogram available on this website for your review.
Radon reduction systems for soil gas and well water aeration will typically have a vent stack at or above the roofline of the home / structure. The purpose of this protocol is to protect the occupants from having high concentrations of radon gas roll back into the home through an open window. We make a genuine effort in the design and fabrication stage to install this plumbing in a discreet location and encourage the home owner to be involved in this process.
Caution: you should be aware of at least one Connecticut contractor who vents all water aeration systems at ground level in order to cut costs and installation time. Unfortunately, this endangers the occupants health since venting at rates of1,000,000 pCi/per minute or greater is not unusual.
Is there a financial penalty if mitigation work is cancelled or postponed prior to the scheduled installation? Connecticut state law allows a property owner to cancel a contract within three days of signing without any cost or obligation.
The of Connecticut requires that the Contractor hold a Home Improvement Contractors Registration and is certified by either NRSB or NEHA to perform radon gas mitigation. Contractors may choose to offer reduction services for well water, in which case the contractor must also hold a plumbing license or use the services of a licensed plumber.
HSW Radon Contractors, LLC is a registered Home Improvement Contractor (582643.R), certified mitigation provider (NEHA 103065RMT), certified measurement provider (NEHA 103064RT), and a licensed Plumbing and Piping Contractor (J1-0285734). Licenses/certifications are available for inspection on our vehicles.
How committed is the contractor to keeping up with the latest laws and trends? In an effort to support our knowledge base and facilitate continuous improvement, HSW Radon Contractors, LLC is a member of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA).
What are past clients saying about the contractor? What does the State of Connecticut say about the contractor (Connecticut Department of Public Health Radon Program at 860-509-7367)? Feedback from past clients provides valuable information (both positive and negative) on how the company is performing and these should be readily available.
Does the contractor offer a written warranty and does it make sense? Be skeptical of unusually long or lifetime warranties - there is usually a hook.
HSW Radon Contractors, LLC typically provides Reduction Performance for a period of 5 years, fan warrantiees for 5 years, a Workmanship Guarantee, and a Satisfaction Guarantee - we want you to be happy with our company's products and services. These warranties are transferable through our portal.
For your convenience, we accept most major credit cards.
Feel free to contact us at 1-866-787-2366 if you have additional questions or the Connecticut Department of Public Health Radon Program at 860-509-7367.